The Unexpected Photographs

When experience and preparedness come into play, you allow for moments like these to be captured.


A wedding day can be planned and everything on the schedule can be followed to a T. The one thing you can’t predict is the in-between moments. The moments when a couple does something that wasn’t apart of the “plan”. These often times are the photos that seem to have the most life in them. These are the photos that make you smile as soon as you glance upon them. As a photographer, these are the moments that I find are the most fun to capture. But to be ready for these moments is something that comes with experience and hard work.

How I am prepared for moments like these

  1. Time spent is the probably the strongest driving force behind my ability to capture moments like these. I have been taking photographs professionally since 2016. In that time I have probably taken close to or over 100,000 photos. THAT IS A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF PHOTOS!! But in that time I’ve become much more familiar with when moments like these might arise.

  2. Having my camera settings ready is a close number 2 on this list. I am consistently checking back on the last photo I took and adjusting the exposure for the shots to come next. Light is ALWAYS changing. So giving myself a consistent check on where people are positioned and what the sunlight is doing is extremely helpful.

  3. Building a relationship with my couples is my number 3. I always provide multiple pre-wedding-day meetings, whether they be in person or via video chat. I want to know what brought a couple together, what they like to eat, what they like to do, what they are having for dinner haha. Literally anything to find out more about who they are. When there is a great foundation laid between us, there is more opportunity for their genuine selves to shine through. Comfort and trust between us welcomes great moments to manifest!

There are many more ingredients that go into the mix to help create these images, but I feel as if these 3 stand out the most to me.


Alex Iby